JavaScript TickerTape on Google Code

14 Jan 2009

As previously promised, the TickerTape is now on Google Code. It wasn't under any kind of source control before, so this is a handy step if I want to move development forward. I do plan on doing so in the near-to-medium-term, but if you are using the TickerTape and would like to contribute any improvements, the move to Google Code means that I'll be happy to accept good patches. If you're not sure how to patch something but have found a problem, feel free to register it in the Issues section.

I'll be filling out the Google Code project page with some documentation soon. I'll also be repointing the TickerTape file references on older posts to the new downloads, so I apologise if you see some republished posts in your feed reader.

Feedback or questions on this post? Create an issue on GitHub.