Parser Error Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. Parser Error Message: Cannot create an object of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit' from its string representation 'r_height' for the 'Height' property. Source Error: Line 1559: <div class="sys_news"> What sort of process is in place to allow a developer to replace a known failing page with another failing page? Surely, knowing that the first version was failing you'd be double-eager to check the latest upload is working? Baffling.After yesterday's post I didn't really imagine that it'd attract the attention of anyone in the right departments - I guess I just assumed the problem would get fixed due to someone high up noticing it. What I didn't imagine is that the problem would get replaced by another totally different issue:
Server Error in '/' Application.</p>
Line 1560: <div class="sys_standardrepeater">
Line 1561: <asp:literal visible="false" id="D2_Count" runat="server" text="0" /> <contensis_controls:dataviewdatalist id="D2" runat="server" repeatlayout="Flow" cssclass="sys_standardRepeater" height="r_height" repeatdirection="Vertical" repeatcolumns="1" shuffledataset="False" displaytype="SpanLayout" onupdatecommand="dlUpdateCommand" oncancelcommand="dlCancelCommand" oneditcommand="dlEditCommand" ondeletecommand="dlDeleteCommand" onitemcommand="Link_Data_Click" datakeyfield="PageID"><itemtemplate><% D2_Count.Text=cstr(clng(D2_Count.Text)+1) %>
Line 1562: <h2 class="sys_repeaterItemInner">
Line 1563: <%# CustomProcessing_D2(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"newsHeading"),"newsHeading") %></code>