Simple C# Plugin Implementation - Code Challenge

19 Apr 2007

When building Wiretap, I wanted an easy way of adding new Test Types without having to do much work. It occurred to me that what I needed was to basically supporting Test Types as plugins, so I wrote a small method to achieve this. Here's the code, adapted for general use.

public IPlugin LoadPluginFromAssembly(string pluginAssembly, string pluginType)
	// This should come froma config file
	string sourceAssemblyPath = @"c:\plugins\" + pluginAssembly + ".dll";</code>

	// Load the dll containing containing the plugin type
	Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(sourceAssemblyPath);

	Type testType = null;

		// Search all of the types until we find
		// one which matches the specified plugin type
		foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes())
			if (type.IsClass)
				if (type.FullName.EndsWith("." + testInstance.TestType.Type))
					testType = type;
	catch (Exception ex)

	return Activator.CreateInstance(testType) as IPlugin;


There are a number of improvements which I can see in this, so if you feel you can do better, post your own Better Plugin Implementation and link back here!

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